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gail leija - user experience

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My work for Susan G. Komen for the Cure showcases the entire range of my user experience design skills, from art direction, information architecture and workflow modelling to integration with third-party vendors, web style guides and content management systems.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure

You wear a lot of hats at a non-profit organization. After all, thousands of breast cancer patients, survivors and their families trust that Susan G. Komen for the Cure is responsibly spending every penny they receive - all generously donated - in the fight to end breast cancer forever. That's why it has been an honor and a priviledge to serve as creative lead, interaction designer and information architect on the redesign. Formerly known as The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Komen launched it's new identity (developed by Duffy and Partners) in conjunction with its 25 year anniversary. The 2007 release of expressed the tone and voice of the new brand in both the visual design and the user experience, promoting awareness, engagement, inclusion and empowerment.

Highslide JS Highslide JS Highslide JS

Komen Web Applications

Komen uses web-based applications to connect and communicate with its network of thousands of volunteers in over 100 affiliates (similar to chapters), helping manage everything from races to reporting to planning and compliance, through its series of Affiliate Corner extranets. I designed the first generation Affiliate Corner and many of its related applications, including:

Community Profile
An online community assesment tool, which affiliates use to gather and report on demographics, breast cancer statistics, local programs and services and community profiles, in order to better determine where to target resources to those in need.

Education Planning and Reporting
Tools used to collect information about various educational initiatives across the affiliate network and to help develop new and innovative programs to raise awareness about the importance of early detection and screening for breast cancer.

Online Grant Application
My team partnered with the Komen Research Grants Department to build a centralized, scalable, customizable grant lifecycle management system, enabling the creation and submission of applications, compliance review, collaboration with scientific and advocate grant reviewers to score and award funds, and financial and research progress tracking.

Affiliate Training
Affiliate Training Registration displays course listings delivered to Affiliate Members through Komen's Affiliate Learning and Development Team and incorporates various business rules, such as scheduling, waitlisting, notifications and travel planning.

home thumb
opens a new window Home page diagram
pop-up OLD Komen home page

Newsletter Redesign
pop-up OLD KomenLink
pop-up NEW KomenLink

Sample flows and site maps
.pdf doc High Level Site Map
.pdf doc Grants and Awards

Affiliate SiteTemplates
pop-up Sample Template 1
pop-up Sample Template 2

Promise Shop Redesign Highslide JS

opens a new window Promise Shop flow

opens a new window Affiliate Training flow

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