
Organizing and Turning In Your Interactive Assignments


From now on, please submit work in my Drop Box


In the Finder, select the Go / Connect to Server from top bar menu bar (Mac)
Type in
Select Guest

Open the folder called Users

Select gleija
Open my Public Folder
Copy your project folder to the Drop Box folder
NOTE: When you will see a dialogue box noting that you cannot see the contents of the Drop Box, simply click OK.


Here is the path to my Drop Box

Additional instructions (older document - substitute gleija for maryann)


All of your interactive assignments should be turned in as HTML files.

Your HTML pages will not display properly unless they conform to standard HTML naming conventions and are in the locations specified in your tags. That is why it is essential that you manage your files and folders correctly or your pages simply will not work.


You will be turning in a folder for each assignment. Each folder will have the HTML file for the page that I am viewing and grading, as well as an images folder for the graphic files used by that page and a source folder for scans, Photoshop, Illustrator, Processing and other files which were used to do the assignment but are NOT part of the page.


Here is a step by step explanation of how to manage files and folders.


1. Root Project Folder

Create a folder for this class and name it with your last name dash first name underscore interactivity. This is the root folder for all of your assignments. (Example: leija-gail_interactivity)


2. Assignments Main Page

Create an HTML file and save it in the root folder as index.html. In the heading area, between the title tags - name the page something like My Interactive Projects. (You can always change it later.) Inside the content area - between the <body> and </body> tags - type the following list:




Grid 1


Grid 2


Computation 1


Computation 2


Interface Design






Final Project


Each of the items in the above list will be links to the assignment pages. (Example: leija-gail_modularity.html)


3. Main Page Images Folder

Create a folder in the root folder called images. This is where you will keep all of the images for the Assignments Main Page.


4. Assignment Folders

Create a folder for each of the assignments in the list above. Put an images and source folder in each assignment folder. Note that for Computation assignments there may be a slightly different structure, as Processing creates its own folders.


5. Thumbnail Images

Always create 2 100x100 pixel thumbnail images for each assignment. I will be using these to link to my gallery of your assignments. Here is the gallery page for Modularity.



folder structure