Affordances & Controls
Affordances and controls are simply terms for the buttons, knobs, sliders, dials, handles, switches, joysticks, levers, wheels - to name a few - that we use to operate manmade things. Until very recently, all of these controls were mechanical and you could tell how they worked by simply looking at them. Digital controls have evolved from mechanical ones, and their functionality is based the symbolic, or metaphorical, use of objects we are already familiar with in the physical world.
Check out how Funnel Design uses metaphorical controls.
The term affordance was popularized by Donald Norman in his book The Psychology or Everyday Things.
What do you think he means by the following statement?
“I should have used the term 'perceived affordance,' for in design, we care much more about what the user perceives than what is actually true.” ~ Donald Norman
History of the Button is a quick walkthru of the evolution of the most common affordance in both the physical and the digital environment.
What exactly is a button?
Watch this video of Bill Verplank talking about the world of continuous control and the world of discreet control.
How does that relate to the interactions below?
Take digital photos of switches, buttons, controllers etc. Create a web page of your photos cropped to a consistent size and embed them in the table format below. Analyze how these objects allow people to interact with the world (both real/physical and digital/virtual).