Computation 2
Introduction to Processing: Composing with Code
Based on a theme of your choosing, compose a one page layout combining multiple images, applets, colors. It could be a story, illustration, concept or even a game, but it should be something we can all recognize. Only use text to support the theme - i.e. don't use the name of the theme in the text. We should be able to "get it" from the visual communication elements of your layout. See me if you need help developing a theme.
NOTE: You must able to cite the source of your Processing code - the title of the example you modified and, if applicable, the name of the person who originally developed the sketch you used.
Submitting Your Assignment
Put this assignment in your Project Site.
You can continue to keep each assignment in its own folder - in this case, a folder called Computation 2 - which you keep inside your main Project Site folder, or keep all of your html files in the root folder of your Project Site. As long as I can tell that you have turned in the required work for each assignment and I can get to it easily from your Project Site, I will count it as submitted.
Review these guidelines if necessary.
Here is a link to my Processing pages.
Always test your site on another computer.